My head has been everywhere lately.
Middle school.
High school.
How did I get here so fast?
You see Monday, I planned out my whole week and I successfully got none of it done yesterday. I woke up a couple hours too late courtesy of me going to sleep late the night before and it set off my whole day. Forum was great yesterday though. The Captain from Apollo 13 told us his story about everything that went on in his experience. He was a funny guy and did a great job telling his part.
I met up with Brody yesterday after forum. Brody was one of my first missionaries that I had (I went through easily 20 in the two years that I took the lessons) and definitely--coupled with his companion Ky (Elder Bullock) of course--was the greatest of all the missionaries that I had. It was great to catch up with him and I've missed him a lot. I wish we could've spent more time together this year but he was definitely a lot busier than me. He's been such a great example in my life though, not the only of course, but definitely a significant one.
Later on I got a haircut, that always seems to be a mistake.
That night I had planned to do massive amounts of homework. Did I get any of it done? Of course not.
This morning my iPod flipped on to "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot. My mind rewound itself back to just over five years ago. My eighth grade year my friends and I lost one of our really close friends to a a freak avalanche a random weekend in January when he went snowboarding. It was probably the most tragic thing that any of us had experienced at that age. I still think about him a lot to this day but it really just made me realize how thankful I should be to be here if anywhere today. Although life is hard, I shouldn't take for granted that I am around for that matter. It also made me think about the people I care about in life and how really, it's not guaranteed that they will be there tomorrow. Nothing is permanent, but I guess we've all learned that by now.
An abrupt ending but I'm about to be late to class once again so I should probably go now.
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