There's nothing left.
I ran around with my head cut off on Tuesday. I headed off to lunch and ran into Heather to say bye to her for the last time. I couldn't forget any about that girl, even if I tried. Not her beautiful smile, her eyes, or most importantly her sincere personality. She was one of the first girls I met at BYU during NSO. I vividly remember sitting in Taylor lobby hanging out with a bunch of random kids that I met that day and then seeing her walk in and literally becoming weak in the knees; I had to meet this girl. She was playing some strange game with uno cards and some random girls and of course I--being absolutely outgoing of course--decided I was going to stumble on their game, meet all of them, and get all their numbers even though I only wanted one as you can imagine. Ever since then we spent late nights running in the rain, going to concerts together, waking up early for breakfast, and just so many more things. I'm going to miss that southern girl-next-door more than I can even comprehend. I'll take from her a love for people and music.
- Time
- Things
- Finals
- Friends
I got in the canc and had lunch with Megan, Brittany, and Bri--my prime. They, as always, were an absolute riot haha, especially after Megan got a hold of my camera. These girls made my year and were such great examples to me. They changed my life so much more for the better. Seeing good, genuine girls that sincerely care about all their friends is so great. I met them all and really got close to them mostly at are ventures to Josh's house in Midway and on Bri's birthday 80s dancing. My year wouldn't have been the same without them. I could tell those girls anything and would drop everything to do anything for them. I'll take from them faith in true friendship.
Mike and I had our mission prep final next, that of which I could barely stay awake for. He did everything he could to keep me awake and finally gave up and just took me out with his smart water haha. I'm going to miss Brother Bott a lot. That was such a great class that I never failed to enjoy. I even got to announce my mission call in class finally. Anyway we made it out and Mike and I went to the bookstore to pick up some packing supplies to get me set for the night. Then it was time to say bye to Nyal.
Oh Nyal. Where would we be without his craziness? He made life... interesting to say the least haha. What a character and great friend who genuinely cared and was a complete goofball to always put a smile on your face. I seriously can't even comprehend where I'd be without him. I tried to tell him not to do anything stupid but well, that was a given haha. I'll take from him a consistent smile.
So after, I went in my room and decided that I needed to study for this PDBIO120 final that I just knew I was going to fail anyway. So I came to the conclusion that I was just going to give up, just go take the test, and stop worrying about it; so, I got up... and walked to the testing center. By the time I got there I had thought about it so much that I just couldn't do it. I couldn't willfully just do terrible on something. So I walked all the way back and had dinner with the regulars for the last time and then went to study with Mike for a bit before falling asleep on his bed. When eight o'clock rolled around we headed to Chipman to watch Glee... I wouldn't not recommend this episode for minors although it was absolutely hilarious. My favorite line from the whole show was definitely: I'm gay. She's black. We make culture. I would never aspire to either but hey, I guess that's an accurate statement today; not to offend anyone.
I made it back to Merrill after to say bye to Ben. It was way tight getting to see Ben at BYU this year especially after meeting him the year before. When I came for my band audition a year ago and to help Mat move back, I met Ben because he was on Mat's floor and one of his really good friends, so it was way tight to actually get to meet and hangout with him this year. He's a funny, funny kid that is also a great friend who was always there for me to give advice and just be a good friend. I'll take from Ben a light heart and heavy laugh.
It was Chelsea's birthday that night so next it was off to her birthday party down in Hinckley (poppin' day right?). I needed to make sure to say bye to all of the 242nd wardies! There are a lot of things I miss about my old ward, but those girls being the thing I miss the most. I'll take from them genuine caring.
By the time I made it back to Merrill it was nearly ten o'clock already and I needed to skype Jordan to tell him something so of course we talked for a whole hour until eleven... there was only one problem with that: I had to be packed with all my stuff in storage by midnight. So I gathered the masses of Merrill 1200 to help me pack and we were out of there in about 45 minutes which, mind you, is a record considering how much junk I have. I'm so thankful I had them to help me because there's no way I could've done it by myself.
After we were finished, me, Brigham, and Mike went and ventured into the new dorm which actually was a lot of fun! The rooms are huge and its really nice. They have no lobby and its a completely different set up but it will for sure be really awesome.
That day was over and I made it to bed basically camping in my room with a suitcase and s.t.d. blanket.
Wednesday was really sad. I feel like BYU cried for us leaving today.
I continued with goodbyes and had breakfast with Brody today at this place call "Kneaders" were they have monstrous, all-you-can-eat french toast. I had one and a half and Brody had like... four I think haha. I just really wasn't happy and had an upset stomach from all the emotional trauma of saying goodbye to everyone. Breakfast was great and nice to catch up and it will be weird to lose touch with him and see him get married and what not. I'm really happy for him though. I wouldn't be much of anyone without him today if he didn't make sure I kept my nose clean.
I had room check-outs pretty soon after so we had to hurry back. Momma Moses was really lenient with everything--half of it was just because I cleaned so well I think. I bidded adieu to the RA and was off to talk my PDBIO120 test... On the way I got to see Laura, an RA from my old ward and said bye to her as well. She's just a crazy funny girl who was a great friend and I will miss her being around. I'll have to tell you her mattress domino story sometime. As for my test: I got handled. It's fine though. I got what I put into it. I'll take from Matt and Laura patience through late-night trials.
I caught up with Hayley after which was probably the best thing that happened to me in a really long time. It had been the first time Hayley and I got to talk things out and work things out for the better. Things were rocky between us but now they're nothing short of great. I love her so much; always have, always will, and I'm so happy for her and Christian getting married. They're so perfect for each other and will be great together. I hope and pray for the best for the both of them in years to come and hope that I can keep in touch with them. I'll take from them pure kindness.
I came back to the canc and ran into my regulars. I hadn't cried until this point. This group made my BYU experience. They were there for me through it all. I always had their prayers, love, and support. Meeting them at NSO on one of the first nights was one of the greatest things that could have happened to me at BYU. I'll never forget them and I'll miss them the most. I've never cried so hard in my life during a goodbye. I couldn't even express how to you how much love I feel from them. They're the best friends I could have ever asked for. I'll take from them strong friendship built on undisputed love.
I had lunch with Kaylee and the wardies after and said bye to all of them and then said bye to Aubrie. Aubrie was in my original fhe group [9] and was one of the only people I could relate to in that group. I'll never forget the day near the beginning of fall semester when I was having a really rough time and she called me over, remembered my name, and just wanted to talk and be better friends. That one simple act, echos in my head to this day. We've had so many great memories this year shopping, sharing jokes, and just being pals through it all (especially when talking about bad dates). I'll take from her class and thought for others.
It was finally time to bid farewell to 1100 & 1200 Merrill hall. It's going to be so hard to move on from these guys. They're all like brothers to me who've helped me, befriended me, and been there through it all. How blessed we were all to have each other. It was especially hard to say bye to my roomslice, Michael and Brigham. Mike [Swindle] was in a test and couldn't make it and I'm still really sad about that but I can't blame him for being responsible. I'll take from them brotherhood.
Now it's back home to Vegas with Jordan for the weekend before Spring.
I'll take from these past two semesters no regrets, just lessons learned.
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