If I've ever illustrated myself as an idiot more, yesterday probably topped whatever distinction I previously made.
Aside, if you read my blog, you should follow my best friend Mat's blog of the things going on during his mission. His mom is really great and posts the emails of what's going on with him. Check it out: www.matsonamission.blogspot.com
I basically pulled an all nighter that night and am actually still doing okay for only have gotten two hours of sleep since. I'll probably fall over at some point for not getting hardly any sleep but I don't think I would be blessed with such an occurrence.
Anyhow after all the excitement the night before it was time to buckle down and get to business. I had reviews and study sessions planned all day with barely anytime to breath, the first one starting at 7am. What an early time to get up and study biology.
Breakfast then didn't end up being until about 10am which was actually not too bad. I ran into some people that I haven't seen in a very long time because of given circumstances. It was great to see them, be able to embrace, and be able to share my excitement with them; it had been way too long. I still love them and appreciate them despite all the hell I put them through and the difficulties we had. I hope that one day things will go back to how they were.
I then went to go see Brody because I knew there had to be some reason why he didn't come to my mission opening the previous night. Brody was one of my very first missionaries and is the one I keep in touch with most because well, he touched me the most. I sent him a text and never got a response the day before and I was really, really disappointed. I finally came to the conclusion that there was no way he could've not been there. He loves me too much to have missed it. So I went and saw him the next day only to find out that his phone had been disconnected because his parents didn't pay the bill. How timely right? I was right though, he would've dropped anything to be there. It was nice to be able to catch up with him and have him around this past year. I wish we could've spent more time together but it happens I guess, college life is busy and I can't be mad at someone for being responsible and taking care of theirself. We concluded that he'd make it up to me with dinner next week so I failed to reject and took him up on the offer.
It was next time to catch up with Josh. Josh made it to my mission call the night before and I couldn't tell you how happy I was to see him. He's such a great friend and important figure in my life. If there's anything I miss about my old hall, its him. He's such a great example and such a strong, faithful person who sincerely cares about everyone he associates with... well most of them anyway haha. He's been there for me when I needed him the most and helped me through the troubles of leaving home the first semester in college. I've never looked into someone else's eyes and seen the light of Christ stronger in anyone else than his. It was his birthday Monday as I had previously mentioned and I forgot to give him his card! So I made sure to get that to him and got to catch up a bit to see how things were going. He's a great guy and I'll miss him the most from all the guys I've met this year.
Review, review, review was what the rest of my day saw. Funny story. So I had in my iCal that there was a MATH112 review at 1:00pm in 3104. So I headed over there... but when I got there I noticed that they were going over a different test than I expected and also were halfway through. So I looked up the review one more time and saw that it was actually at 2:00pm on the Math Lab website. Genius. Everyone probably thought I was crazy for coming that late. So I picked up my stuff and left to get some stuff done and came back to the room at 1:55pm for the next review... but the same guy and students were still in there. I figured they were just running a little late so I sat there with my exam and waited until 2 but they were... still there and not changing exams. Finally everyone left and I figured that the next TA and students were running late... after about 20 minutes I figured something was wrong and looked at the sheet again. Great. Good job Eric, check the time but not the room. It was the only review that wasn't in that room and was downstairs in 1104. How dumb can I get? Don't answer that question.
Anyhow I finally made it to that and successfully got nothing out of it because I ended up falling asleep through it. So I got up after wasting my time and headed to the gym to let out some frustrations, made it to dinner, and then went to the library to study with Zach and actually got a lot accomplished. We studied for nearly four straight hours and got side-tracked at little but who doesn't. We decided to be a little immature and throw half-salivated gummy worms at the window of the room we were in and get interesting looks from each passing person. Mine was pretty solid after a couple tries. Zach on the other hand had some issues haha.
Making it back to my room around midnight I noticed that Marie was on skype! It had been so long since I had talked to her so of course instead of writing my Philosophy final paper, I talked to her for a long time with some guys in my hall who know her. She's a great girl that basically owned my heart senior year as my secretary in student council. It was so nice to see her face and hear her laugh again. I miss her a lot and hope to see her soon.
Mike and I decided that we had enough studying for the day so we decided to... study even more! Not. Mike was on one last night just rolling insults at me left in right, I was rather confused haha. I'm going to miss this kid a bunch... especially his good looks haha. Here's our snapshot for the day.
Then me and Jordan planned out Saturday or attempted to with little details that we had late into the night as usual. Thanks to that I again got all 30 minutes of sleep to make it to swim, write my phil paper, an make it to my phil exam today and now its off to the races. I really don't even have time to be writing this. What am I doing with my life?
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