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A successful end to a successfully unsuccessful day.

This weekend made me realize how much I miss my family, especially skyping with my youngest cousin Matthew who is turning two tomorrow. Bu that's neither here nor there. I successfully got nothing done today. I guess it was just one of those days? Clouds, snow, and rain do nothing but make me want to curl up in bed and read books or something. I don't even like books. Strange right?

I got done with class today and came and took a nap in my room. Woke up and found out that I had just wasted my day and tried to get work done but failed. I, along with four other guys in my hall, spent an hour and a half working on one math problem which was absolutely ridiculous. So after finishing that assignment I rushed to dinner and then family home evening.

Dinner was a treat. I got to sit with some girls from my old fhe group and we talked about how dis-functional our old group was. Somehow we got on the topic of first impressions and what not. It was fun to be able to look back that far in the year and remember what it was like before we all really knew each other and now to see how things were having spent so much time together. I told Hayley that I was (and still am) scared of her haha, told Lauren how outgoing I thought she was, and of course Elise how much of a sweetheart she was and still is. Hayley made the comment that talking to me is like watching a comedy show--it basically made my day. Anyway, I was off to fhe because I was late again as usual.

I got to give the spiritual thought today which was great. I looked up one of my favorite devotionals from this past year from Elder Huntsman and his talk motivating us to do well in school because God didn't send us here to fail. I felt it appropriate with finals coming up and the group really seemed to like it. I love family home evening here so much, especially since I never had it at home. It's so great to have a "family" to spend time with and that you can get together with every week. I don't think they realize how much it means to me but my week surely wouldn't be the same without it.

We played catchphrase today and it was an absolute success. We had such a great time, its definitely one of the fhe's I'll never forget. McCall was hilarious. She gave the most farfetched hints ever and I could not help but die of laughter every time she had the catchphrase thing (technical term, stick with me). My favorite was this hint, "So you're in a foreign country and you're like... what?" Can you guess what the hint was for? Cultural shock. Right? She was a riot but I love her. Poor Lisa and Natalie though, it seemed like every time the buzzer went off, it landed on them. Anyway since the points got messed up we just played until my time won haha and then said a prayer and left.

Came back to my room and organized my calendar for this month and realized how close finals were, not to mention the end of this year. I don't want it to end just yet but some part of me does. After doing that I helped Michael with a few things for his papers and then got caught up talking to Jordan on facebook. Talked to Mike for a little and then lost absolutely all motivation to do any work whatsoever--hence, blogging.

Michael's asleep now though so I'm even more unmotivated to get any work done. So I think I'm just going to wash up, read my scriptures, and go to bed that way I can at least put a successful end to a successfully unsuccessful day.

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